Interesting, Enriching, Thought Provoking Daily Read Life Blogs

Friday, May 14, 2021

Strong Emotional Immunity Can Guard Against Any Illness

Life presents us a gamut of emotions through happiness, experiences, memories, lessons and achievements. We flow with the flow of all such events but the problem arises when unknown emotions and feelings engulf us and we fall prey to such situations as we don’t know how to deal with them. Today when we look around, we find all these situations haunting and daunting us and we experience that illness never comes alone; it always creeps into life with fear: fear of death, fear of financial loss and fear of losing emotional stability. There are so many moments and emotions which we never want to accept despite knowing that these are inevitable to happen and many a time beyond our control, for example; casualty in family, losing job, failures at personal and professional level, divorce and accidents. Though we hear such news for others on daily basis but we think that it would never happen with us and suddenly when an unpleasant situation occurs, we fail to confront it and become a victim of our emotions and reactions to such painful situations.

Strong Emotional Immunity

Let’s start with a very common example of getting irritated when stuck in a traffic jam or informed about absence of house help for the day. We get angry and lose our calm on such petty issues despite knowing that these things are of least importance and relevance in our life at a broader level then why can’t we become panic while struggling with an unprecedented pandemic in our life; let’s start accepting that it’s perfectly okay if we feel stressed, it’s perfectly fine if we are scared and it’s perfectly normal to feel depressed; these all are human emotions and we can’t escape them. The only way we can help is to understand that pandemic is an external factor and whatever is going in me is an internal one. None can control and wipe out all the outside disturbances but each one can channelize the internal factors that weaken the emotional immunity and make a person vulnerable to other ailments.

Emotional immunity is a wider term pertaining to human’s ability to respond to their emotions in a sensible way. It’s very difficult to manage the flow of emotions and react in a composed manner as most of the time human behaviour is controlled by impulsive reactions to certain emotions. A good emotional health determines a person’s controlled and optimistic behaviour in difficult and unexpected situations so looking at the current scenario it’s imperative to maintain physical as well as emotional health.

How to Boost Emotional Immunity  

Strong emotional immunity can guard against any illness and only an emotionally healthy person can help others to boost their emotional immunity. Let’s read how we can make a difference.

Maintaining a Healthy Routine:

The first thing you do in the morning determines your whole day so start your day with a positive ‘me time’ for yourself, stay away from distractions like mobile phone, TV or internet. Dedicate your morning hour to exercise, yoga, pranayam and meditation so that whole day you feel happy and energetic. Food and breathing habits play a pivotal role in maintaining emotional and physical health. To keep mind, body and soul in a perfect alignment the intake must be taken care of. The way we breathe and we eat impacts the functioning of our body. So, focus on both. Avoid eating junk food and refined carbs and increase consumption of nutrient rich foods. A healthy and enriching lifestyle will help you rediscover your own self and boost your emotional immunity. Spending time with nature will be cherry on the cake so manage your time to admire the beauty of sunrise and feel the vibrations of life and positivity around plants and blossoming flowers. 

Interesting Read on Parenting: As a Parent You Preach or Perform

Parents can Help Boost Children’s Emotional Immunity:

There is a beautiful story of the famous scientist, Thomas Alva Edison who is known for his invention of electric light bulb and more than 1000 patents in his name. When Thomas was a primary school student he was given an envelope for his mother by his teacher. When Thomas handed over the envelope to his mother she opened and found a letter inside. While reading the letter, tears started gushing from her eyes and she told Thomas that he was a genius and none of the teachers in the school was capable of teaching such a bright student so he would not attend the school any more. She told that she was crying out of happiness and she would take the responsibility of teaching his son. Hearing this Thomas was so excited that he started learning faster under his mother’s supervision who herself was a teacher. Years passed and Thomas became a great scientist. One day while searching for some papers in an old cupboard he found the same envelope which was given by his teacher, with great curiosity he opened and started reading the letter. The letter said,” Your child is mentally weak and can’t be taught with other students in the class. Kindly don’t send your ward to school.”

The story reveals how parents play a vital role in boosting children’s emotional immunity. Had the mother told Thomas about the letter would he have been one of the greatest scientists ever? Certainly not, so parents should always act like a Strong Support System to nurture and care the emotional health of their children.

Importance of Good Friends:

American writer and motivational speaker Jim Rohn says, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” None can doubt on the fact that your friends shape your personality, teach you life skills and help you succeed the battles of life. Good friends always give a better opinion and encourage decision making that helps you win your self-doubts and insecurities. Sometimes they make fun of you by their sarcastic remarks which is an important factor in boosting your emotional immunity. Their sunny talks are effective enough to help you deal with any failure or loss. The best part of healthy friendships is both the sides get benefited in a mutual and symbiotic relationship so never leave your friend alone when he/she is in need.

Strong Immunity

A sudden surge in number of suicides has been observed during the second wave of the pandemic. These suicides were the result of emotional shock after losing the loved ones and in most of the cases the victims themselves were either battling with the disease or undergoing post covid recovery. Most of the Illnesses are stress-induced as they disturb the mind-body-soul alignment and leave debilitating effects on the patient. But an improved emotional immunity will help us believing that we are not helpless creatures destined to suffer from vagaries so to surrender to the wrath of an invisible, vicious virus. During such harrowing situations let’s work together to build strong emotional immunity to help ourselves and others. Try to counsel if you see any such person in your vicinity and boost his emotional immunity so as to get him ready to fight the challenges. If you can save and strengthen a life that will be the biggest gratitude you ever pay to the universe.


  1. Your blogs are true to life.You are very much keen on every day problems of people everywhere and the undertone of compassion gives the reader a healing effect.💖💖💖

  2. Awesom blog Rachna di. Each n every line was very very true n I totally agree that the parents play the vital role in building up the Strong Support System for their child because nobody else can give that kind of emotional support as ur parents can do.

    Keep writing di...

    1. Thank you so much Deepika for your words on my blog.

  3. Wow.. This is such a good read.. Totally related to it..

  4. आज की परिस्थितियों को व्यक्त करते आपके विचार👌
    परिवार और मित्र मनुष्य की सबसे बड़ी सम्पत्ति है।इस समय कोई कह दे कि "मैं हूँ न"तो जीने का हौंसला बढ़ता है।भावनात्मक रूप से सुरक्षा महसूस होती है।आज इसकी ही जरूरत है

  5. Thank u Muskan.. and keep reading. Reading is the best gift you give to yourself.

  6. Really we all need to build strong emotional immunity to face and deal with internal and external challenges head on...
    Truly a good read article.. Loved the way you crafed it..
    Keep writing and keep inspiring

  7. Really we all need to build strong emotional immunity to face and deal with internal and external challenges head on...
    Truly a good read article.. Loved the way you crafed it..
    Keep writing and keep inspiring

  8. Really we all need to build strong emotional immunity to face and deal with internal and external challenges head on...
    Truly a good read article.. Loved the way you crafed it..
    Keep writing and keep inspiring

  9. Congratulations, Rachna Ji for this wonderful and inspiring article. The thoughts expressed in this article are very relevant in this crucial time. My blessings to you.

  10. Such a wonderful Thoughts and to be honest I truly liked that friends part . 🔥😗😍😍💫💫💫. Thank you ma'am for always keeping our minds fresh by your these amazing blogs . ✅💯


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