Interesting, Enriching, Thought Provoking Daily Read Life Blogs

Sunday, July 17, 2022

How You Prioritize Time Management over Life Management?

 Prioritize Your Time Management

Srishti has been trying to incorporate yoga and meditation in her daily routine due to some health issues but she ended up in the insurmountable conundrum everybody is facing today- How to spare time with home and office responsibility? “I just wish if only I could have some free time”. And I am sure you also have the same question. But do you really think that ‘free time’ kind of thing ever exists or would exist in near future. Nay, certainly never; so today at Eduemeralds we will talk about this imaginary yet pervasive roadblock in our life.

Srishti is not alone who’s struggling to take out just 45 minutes of her day to take care of her well being, there is a large number of newbies and aspirants who battle the same and in the quest 'free time' their passions and dreams never materialize and turn into reality. And the factors responsible are- this humongous monster ‘free time’ and their disavowal of the biggest hindrance in their life. Eventually, they end up as intellectual pygmies and can’t achieve anything momentous to be worthy of their Life.

Prioritize Your Time Management

What is Time Management?

We often misconstrue time management with a strict routine, a voluminous to-do list and whole day tightly scheduled as a series of events and tasks. But trust me, Time Management and Free Time are synonyms; if you don’t have free time, that means you don’t have time management if you practice time management you enjoy free time and if you wish to spend good free time on yourself you must spend time in learning the skill of time management in your life. Time management is one of those essential life skills that can transform your Life entirely by increasing your productivity in whatever you do, managing your stress level and by developing a perfect balance between your personal and professional Pursuits and your work and family life.

Time management is bigger than life management as it helps and empowers us lead our life the way we want to; it teaches us to spare time that we can spend on whatever enriches and enthralls us thus leading to a stress free and fulfilled life. So, your life largely depends on how you prioritize Time Management over Life Management.

Life Management

How to Start Time Management

Needless to say that, “Time and tide waits for none”, yet we keep boggling at the idea of developing this skill. In fact we respond very reluctantly to countenance the practice of time management. When Eduemeralds talks about how to start learning and practicing time management, the first step would be to use a pen and paper to write your daily routine. It will give you a clear idea of how you spend your day and a ratio between the amount of time spent constructively and the amount of time wasted in frivolities. Now prioritize the Important and lesser important tasks for the day and start allocating the right time to the right activity. Effective time management will allow you to finish the planned activity in the stipulated time and you will be free to relax and reinvigorate yourself for the upcoming ones. Setting deadlines for the strenuous and demanding tasks will help you keep anxiety and stress at bay because you have already planned how and when you are about to finish that work.

Being organized at work and home saves most of your crucial time and helps you stay focused. Learn to avoid keeping stacks of files and papers at your workstation and useless, extra stuff in your wardrobes and kitchen as they annoy you when you are looking for something really important. 


Inculcate a habit of using planners, organizers, soft boards, and writing notes on important tasks for effective time management.

Time Management over Life Management

 Benefits of Time Management

Effective time management makes you punctual and disciplined; you stay happy and confident because you have divided your workload smartly and made the judicious use of your time. It makes you more productive and mentally stable as you know how your day starts and how it will end. It is observed that people become more organized and learn to manage things more effectively when they practice the skill of time management on daily basis.

It boosts your morale and makes you stand apart from the crowd. Once you start practicing time management, you can accomplish tasks within the time frame and that gifts you a sense of pride in your skills, thus you become more confident and succeed in your life. It helps you avoid indulging in irrelevant activities and teaches you Learn to Say NO because you are not ready to compromise with your time. When we are able to ward off the temptations and overindulgence such as Social Media, gossiping or binge-watching that uselessly demand our precious time, we can gain more expertise in our time management and learn to prioritize time management over life management.

           Time Management is one of those skills which are difficult to imbibe but extremely effortless to flow and flourish with. In other words, it might be difficult to sow the seed of Time Management but very easy to see it growing and enjoy the sweetness of its fruits. The possible reason could be because you Resist Making Changes in the comfortable cocoon of your life. Every time, you introduce a change, your mind produces a plethora of excuses and a barrage of obstructions as- why to do, when to do, how to do and the list is infinite. The only understanding required, is the need to bring a positive change in our thought process and cultivating the Grit and Determination to make it happen at any cost.  

In today’s fast paced era, nobody is immune to stress and anxiety, some get bogged down by the enormity of pressure while others grapple with their inner demons to get a hold on their emotions but the people who know how to manage their life and turn their difficult times into rewarding ones and emerge as winners are the ones who have mastered the skill of Time Management.

Eduemeralds hopes you will find this post thought provoking enough. Have a life with  wonderful Time Management!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Do You Resist While Making Changes in Your Life Situations?

Learning to Accept Change is the Constant Way of Life

Learn to Accept Changes

At some or the other point in life, each one of us has tried to make a Change and the queer feeling that we had with any change in LIFE is- even if it was a positive, constructive or an enriching one- we had felt like resisting it. This strange notion about ‘change’ drives us crazy at times. It’s quite apparent that when changes are forced upon us we tend to resist despite being aware of the fact that the change is unavoidable in the end but why do we feel a little discomfort for those changes also that we honestly want for ourselves. Why do we develop a slight resistance for such desired changes also? No matter how optimistic and positive person you are, you resist if something happens different in your normal course of life as if changes insinuate us not to flow with what comes on the way.

Before we discuss the importance of Learning to accept changes, let’s try to understand that resistance is a normal process; it’s just a natural psychological reaction to change. In other words, it can be explained as self-protection mechanism or denying ourselves to having the bandwidth to adjust with the newness in life. We are conditioned to accept ourselves as self-contained individuals and even the smallest hitch disturbs us. Restlessness lurks whenever we expect change in our life. But, can we live without changes in our life; no, certainly NOT. It is rightly said that change is the only constant in this world so how to handle this discomfort that arouses before any change in our life, makes today’s topic to discuss at blog Eduemeralds.

Never allow the fear of change overpower your Comfort and make you frightened, it might deprive you of the excitement of newness and the achievements on your way. Change in career, switching companies, shifting house, changing marital status, and incorporating a new habit/ practice in your usual life are a few examples that may disturb your inner peace. And some of them are unavoidable so let’s ponder how can we make this change a smooth one?

Just ask yourself these questions- What will happen if I do Change? What will happen if don’t change? What won’t happen if I change? What won’t happen if I don’t change? Now write your answers and evaluate all the possibilities. You may not find these questions innocuous but these questions can unearth many of the reasons of your ordeal of a mechanical, monotonous way of life.

Making Changes in Your Life

Why Changes Shouldn’t Scare Us?

Every change isn’t like a whammy that blows up every iota of your joy and comfort, many come with abundant opportunities to help us evolve us as more capable and resilient person. Fear of change can make us adamant and rigid in attitude; therefore we lose our flexibility in adapting new things and may end up entangled in our own Comfort Zone. Changes are always the accelerators in our life, they allow us to move forward faster and learn new things quicker, thus making life all the more exciting.

Embracing Change is a Fulfilled Way of Life

We all have our favorite stuff in both the forms; material and emotional. And we keep clinging on to them until we are forced to detach from such things and feelings. You can breathe a new life by replacing an old item with a new in your closet and feel afresh and lighter by replacing old grudges and bitterness of past by cultivating a new habit with positivity and optimism. Changes keep the river of life flowing and help us to get rid of the daily grind of life for a while. A strong resistance and reluctance to change can be a major stumbling block in our life and eventually will increase the fear for Unknown in our mind. If we persist to have the feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty we won’t be able to change our perspective of handling a change and will be deprived of all the options and possibilities that could dawn a bright and fulfilled way of life for us.

Changes and Progress are Synonymous

Monumental gains come following decisive changes in LIFE yet we consider them detrimental to our emotional health. You need to pace yourself for any gain and understand where such emotional hurdles stem from. Transcend your fear and resistance to change because your disavowal to all the expected and unexpected changes in your life may impede your growth and happiness, it may destroy the purpose of your living as a whole.   

Not all changes bring bliss and success in your life; life is not a fairytale, we face gloomy days also, but such changes teach us to be stronger and make us tougher than before. We want to improve so many facets of life like job, finances, partner, home, leisure etc. But sadly, nothing can budge until we make efforts for the change and we must understand without change, there will be no improvements in life. So one should accept that fighting or resisting change is more cumbersome than Embracing, accommodating, and flowing with it.

Do you still feel that you resist while making changes in your life situations?

Eduemeralds firmly believes that each change is a turning point in life and when you close one door, another one opens automatically and fills you with verve and vigor to adapt to that change. Changes give us a reason to live with renewed zest and energy and changes empower us with a sense that you can handle everything in life. So next time when you become resistant to any change or feel a temptation to avoid it, just take a pause, have faith in your Decision Making Ability and aim to go with the flow of that change, just glide with it! 

Your Life Situations

Wish You Happy Changes in Life!!!

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