Interesting, Enriching, Thought Provoking Daily Read Life Blogs

Friday, July 7, 2023

The Secret of Staying Young Lies Within Your Outlook and Spirit

 You don’t grow by your age; you grow old by your mind

Rambai The Great Runner

Rambai, a forever-young, 106-year-old sprinter who won three gold medals at the 18th National Open Athletics Championships held by Yuvrani Sports Committee at Dehradun, took up athletics just two years back at the age of 104 and proved to the world that Age is Just a Number.


Rambai, born in Kadma, a small village in Charkhi Dadri in Haryana, spent her life in household chores and working laboriously in her family farmland. She felt motivated to take up athletics in the year 2016 when she got to KNOW about the resounding success of Man Kaur from Punjab who made headlines at the age of 100 by becoming world’s fastest centenarian after winning Gold at American Masters Game in Vancouver. She bettered her own world record in 2017 by shaving seven seconds off. It was Sharmila, 41-year-old granddaughter of Rambai who encouraged her by saying if she could achieve such phenomenal Success why not her. And, here the journey of an over 100 athlete begins- she started professional practice with adequate diet and a strong determination to reach at the top. Her extraordinary stamina due to years of hard work in fields and a healthy diet consisting of homemade dairy products and farm fresh vegetables was a booster in this journey.


After two years’ persistent practice she finally broke Man Kaur’s record by completing the 100m sprint in just 45.50 seconds at the Open Masters Athletics Championships in Vadodara in the year June 2022.


Each of us wants to stay young and tries to find youth in anti-aging cosmetic products, expensive treatments and skin-tightening procedures but the secret of staying young lies within the outlook and our spirit how we take our youth and our ageless inner self. Do we think youth is merely a passing phase of life or it’s a state of mind?


EduEmeRalds defines Youth as an inner radiance that stems from withholding a youthful spirit and elixir that defies the chronological age. Youth is reflected through the vigor of your emotions and the freshness of your spirit; it is the stride, your sprightly gait that helps you retain the enthusiasm and vitality despite the wobbly knees and weak legs. Youth lies in realizing your ageless inner self that always yearns to look at life with a new perspective and to learn to unlearn and relearn.


Secret of Staying Young

How to Radiate an Ageless Glow-

Aging is a process that affects us mentally more than physically; the physical changes are just a byproduct of how we perceive our aging. That’s why we observe many people active and in high spirits even at the age of eighty, conversely, we see many who surrender to their aging process and start depending on others even during their sixties.


By embracing an ageless glow one can defy the number of years one has lived. Age is not defined solely by physical appearance but by how we perceive and present ourselves. A positive mindset, healthy lifestyle, and self-care can radiate an ageless glow that transcends the number on our birth certificate. Cultivating self-confidence, practicing gratitude, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfilment contribute to an aura of youthfulness that surpasses the boundaries of age.


Be Willing to Change-

Sometimes growing old makes people rigid and they don’t like to change their ways of life. They feel what they do, think and believe is always right because they have a richer experience of LIFE but cultivating willingness to change keeps us always young and enthusiastic about life. As we grow older, it's crucial to remain open to change. Change is inevitable, and by embracing it, we open ourselves up to new horizons and Opportunities for personal growth. Letting go of outdated beliefs, habits, and routines allows us to adapt to evolving circumstances and stay relevant in a rapidly changing world. By cultivating a flexible mindset, we can continue to evolve and flourish regardless of our age.


Age Can't Hinder Dreams and Passions:

Our dreams and passions never age, their intensity doesn’t depend on months and years we have lived so far. In a society that often associates Dreams with youth, vitality and productivity; it's easy to fall into the trap of believing that age dictates our abilities and limitations. Hence, age old people can’t dream and pursue their passion. But dreams are timeless, and they should never be limited by age. It's never too late to embark on a new career, start a business, or explore creative endeavours. The accomplishments of numerous individuals who found success later in life, such as Colonel Sanders of KFC who started his venture at the age of 65, and Grandma Moses who started painting at the ripe old age of 78, serve as reminders that age is not a deterrent but an opportunity to pursue what truly ignites our spirits. Age should fuel our determination, rather than dampen our enthusiasm.


This blog explores the idea that true growth lies in the spirit of lifelong Learning. Age should never be a barrier to acquiring knowledge or learning new skills. In fact, as we accumulate life experiences, we gain a unique perspective that enriches our learning journey. Whether it's pursuing formal education, exploring new hobbies, or simply staying curious about the world, the willingness to learn keeps our minds sharp, expands our horizons, and fosters personal development. Age should inspire us to become lifelong students rather than discourage us from seeking new knowledge.


Blog EduEmeRalds advocates the concept of "age is just a number" which reminds us that our true potential knows no bounds. Regardless of our chronological age, we have the power to radiate an ageless glow, embrace change, pursue lifelong learning, and chase our dreams and passions. Let's decide that age will never hinder our ability to live life to the fullest.


The secret of staying young  lies within your outlook and spirit, and in the way how you choose to perceive your aging. By radiating an ageless glow, through positivity and self-care, embracing change, nurturing a thirst for Knowledge, and pursuing your dreams and passions, you can break free from the constraints that society may impose based on age.


Let us all remember that no matter how many years have passed; the fire within us can continue to burn brightly, propelling us toward a life of fulfilment and purpose!

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