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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Mistakes are Learning Experiences to Keep You Growing in Life

What Makes You Hesitate In Admitting Your Mistakes?

Mistakes are Learning Experiences

“Life is too short to keep complaining about others’ mistakes and too long to keep hiding your mistakes.”

It’s very natural to make new mistakes with new challenges, while accomplishing new tasks and growing. Why to hesitate or feel embarrassed in making and admitting mistakes; many of us believe that accepting your mistakes will make you a loser or a naïve so they don’t want to admit their mistakes publicly. On the contrary, wise people never hesitate in accepting their mistakes, they focus on practicing how to maintain their self esteem even after admitting their mistakes and take pride in learning from their own mistakes as well as from others’.

Flexibility in Your Attitude

Learning from your mistakes and accepting them make you more flexible and ready to adapt. Everyone around you- friends, family, colleagues or mentors can be protective in consoling you that it wasn’t alone your fault but you know that the buck stops with you. And when you develop this attitude, you become resilient and imbibe flexibility in your life. You start believing that there is no right time to make a change, nor a wrong time to rectify a mistake. You understand that mistakes are learning experiences to keep you growing in life. People may fail despite having abundant resources and Strong Support System if their attitude cannot help them charting a course of excellence and such attitude can be developed only by admitting your mistakes and learning from them.

Helps You Develop A Stronger Self-belief

It brings a positive change in your self-belief when you learn to accept your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone dares to admit; once you admit, you develop an inclination how to mitigate the damage done due to that mistake and to be perfect in your next effort. You start addressing your inner critic to guide you and you grow with the self-assurance in trusting your own abilities, capacities, strengths and decisions. When the mind is anchored in the self, it lights up life, widens the opportunities and removes the Fear of Failure and ignorance. Your self-belief plays a predominant role in handling this fear positively and makes you feel accomplished even after making mistakes.


Your Casual Approach Can be the Biggest Deterrent

Akrasia, a Greek word that explains the concept supporting the idea of free will, kind of temporary weakness of resolve or a collapse of determination which drives you to do something you are fully aware is wrong. People with free will or casual approach take the mistakes committed by them for granted or a part of mundane activities which results into complacency and lethargy that eventually impedes their growth trajectory. Everyone who does something is liable to make mistakes but repeating the mistakes, or not improving with the mistakes can prove to be a deterrent in your growth. Cultivating a casual approach to let go your mistakes and ignoring the consequences may lead to other serious problems and when one is unfazed by such incidents, can obstruct one’s own path of success.


Keep Growing in Life

It is rightly said that “Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.” But people with fixated mindset on ‘Mistakes means Failures’ never take them positively and fail to turn themselves into their better versions. They avoid speaking about them and instead of learning, they invest their efforts and energy to evade and hide them; which can be self-destructive in long terms.

When you accept your mistakes, you learn and grow with them; accepting them doesn’t prevent you from making more mistakes in future but it certainly teaches you how to use these stumbling stones as pathfinder to walk your journey faster.

Having the courage to admit that you have done something wrong implies that you haven’t done it deliberately and you don’t want to repeat the same again. When you have this trait in your personality, you may experience bouts of disturbance, but it will not deter you from reaching your personal fulfillment. Mistakes are just tools to grow and learn better, errors are inevitable and always happen with some benefits and it depends on us what we take away from our mistakes and how we learn not to commit the same mistake again. Let’s acknowledge our mistake rather than covering it up, denying or pushing it aside so that we can shift our perspective towards our learning process. Always ask these questions to yourself before you analyze your mistake- What went wrong? What didn’t work and why did it go wrong? This analysis will help you to see the bigger picture and help you develop resilience. Mistakes are learning experiences and evidences to prove that you are trying something coming out of your Comfort Zone.

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.”

-Elbert Hubbard

So stop fearing! Keep trying harder, keep making mistakes and just be Compassionate to yourself after making one!

Learning Experiences


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