Interesting, Enriching, Thought Provoking Daily Read Life Blogs

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

What Hinders Your Path of Success- Failures or Forgetfulness

Every Failure In Life Should Bring a Stronger Action Plan

An all-pervading human tendency is to desire for more- wealth, luxury, success or fame; even a mountain equivalent to all these will look like a minuscule to a hedonistic human existence. A human heart and mind keep yearning in want of all these and the quest remains boundless and insatiable. Is it bad to be behind success? No, but how to chase is a more important factor to discuss. Today, Eduemeralds talks about how long one should run behind success and what hinders your path of success- failures or forgetfulness?

Failures or Forgetfulness

Abraham Lincoln, the greatest among the great global Leaders, had persistently suffered failures in his life; not the smaller ones but massive failures, year after year. Born in a humble family he struggled hard to sustain himself and his family. In his growing years he often felt sad and dejected due to the lack of emotional support and the meagre financial sources. His mother left him when he was only nine. In the year 1832, he lost his job and the very next year failed in business. He lost his fiancée in 1835 when they were about to marry and this emotional shock caused him nervous breakdown in 1836, he was bedridden for six months. He lost the elections and was defeated for the Speaker in 1838. In all he lost total 8 elections yet he didn’t quit and never forgot the lessons that he learnt after each of his failures till he became the President of the United States of America in the year 1860 proving to the world that the setbacks or the obstructions never hinder your path of success, what does is- when you forget the lesson that has been taught by your failures in life. 

The only Incurable Disease is Disappointment

When you experience failure, you are engulfed by a sense of disappointment which incapacitates you for a period of time till you forget about it. You forget about the incident and overcome your disappointment associated with it but ironically you forget to take the lesson from that failure which could be an important milestone in your journey of accomplishments. The Fear of Failure and disappointment loom large when you plunge into the pit of this so-called ‘self-image’ which makes you judge yourself by others’ perspectives and you become oblivious of your own strengths and potential.  At this moment, one needs to be very careful, abandon giving importance to others’ perception about you and being crazy to win their appreciation because this craziness can influence or control your life and will give birth to nervousness and you will never be able to transform your disappointment or nervousness into your intelligence and capabilities.

Make a stronger Action Plan after every Failure

Action Plan after every Failure
Keep reminding yourself of your failures and the lessons of those Failures to progress
upon the upcoming pursuits and make sure that your action plans must be stronger than ever. Are you a person who loves to quote others’ examples always or set your own examples also? Taking inspiration from others’ undying passion and achievements is always a positive approach to life but acting passively will not help you cater to your own learning and progress in life. A Perfect  plan with a perfect timing always works so never waste your time in waiting for the right time. The words of famous Russian author, Ivan Turgenev reiterate the same, “If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin.” Everything cannot fall in right place when we expect them to, so every time you fail at something, recharge yourself with a greater amount of energy and motivation to fight back and soar higher.

React and Respond with Intellect not with Impulse

Sometimes we block our path of progress by reacting in a very impulsive manner without paying heed to the consequences. Every situation comes with its own challenges and rewards so be wise and rational enough in taking advantage of worst situations also. Sometimes, due to lack of Decision-Making-Ability and impulsive reactions people face the quagmires of hindrances and roadblocks. You can’t fathom what amount of difficulties you invite for yourself when you react impulsively. Often failure is the mother of ‘blame game’, when we commit a mistake, we prefer to blame others rather than learning a lesson from it or having courage to admit. Accepting the failure will help you remember your flaws and prevent you from doing the same again. Blaming others for your blunders is a clear example of your impulsive behavior, so be wise, have patience and respond with your intellect not with impulse.

Remember 3H- Hard Work, Honesty and Happiness

Being oblivious to the lessons that were taught by mistakes and failures make you prone to bouts of anger, irritation, and Anxiety. Having a strong commitment to be honest with your work and efforts will bolster your confidence to achieve the impossible, embolden your knowledge and expand your talent. Hard work and honesty are the two most aromatic ingredients in the recipes of life pursuits. No matter, whether you succeed or fail in your endeavor; you should feel happy at the end of it. So conceptualize the ‘3H’and make maximum of it- be honest to your work, do hard work to materialize your dreams and stay happy in all situations. Keep these 3H always under your control; let nobody else be the driving force in your life.

Today’s world is the product of human’s endeavor and their capability to imagine, ignite, design and construct their life the way they wish to. So be the commander of your life, have pride in your prowess and hone your Life Skills not just inter-personal skills but inner-personal skills also. Let’s aim to equip ourselves with resilience and patience to be able to tackle every challenge life throws in our way and make a difference in the world.

Nurture the creative thinker in you; observe your today and think how can you make a better tomorrow for yourself. With your conditioned mind, creativity, Being Mindful of your failures and the lessons by them will certainly make you basking in the glory of your success and turning yourself from common to exemplary.


Enjoy an accomplished Life!


  1. Amazingly beautiful words by the one having a beautiful heart . Very nicely and wonderfully written !!!!👌👏 It's so nice to see how some one is putting their efforts in making this world a better place just by sharing their thoughts and views over the things which people often ignore to discuss about. Thank you so much ❤️


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