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Friday, February 25, 2022

Being Mindful Will Certainly Make You More Charismatic


Practice Mindfulness in the Age of Mindboggling Complexities

Mindfulness is the quality of being conscious or aware of something. It can be defined as a mental state that is achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings and thoughts. It’s a basic human quality to be fully present and cautious of what’s happening around and how to respond to it.


Once a blind, old man was walking on a road. He had a lantern in one hand and holding a clay pot in another. One passerby stopped him and asked, “You are blind, day and night are same for you then why you need this lantern?” The old man replied, “The lantern is for you dear young man! So that you don’t hit me in dark and cause damage to my clay pot.”

To explain the importance of mindfulness I would like to quote the words of Viktor Frank1, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Mindfulness is an innate quality that every human being possesses, we need not acquire or conjure it up; we just need to learn how to access it. It guides us not to overreact or being unnecessarily overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. When your jobs become Anxiety-provoking and the day-to-day happenings put a significant stress on you, mindfulness can help. Being mindful will certainly make you more charismatic; let’s learn how to practice it:


Mindfulness Means Making the Most of Your Abilities

Be mindful to what you can do and how to prove it, whenever given an important responsibility, always take care of making the maximum use of your abilities and let never others overpower your skills and strategies for the task. When Lord Krishna lifted the Govardhan Parvat, many people in Gokul came rushing in and supported it with their sticks. They had a misunderstanding that it’s their power that had lifted the mountain; Lord Krishna had only one tiny finger to support it. So be rational in utilizing your strengths and keep a check if people try to misuse it. Mindfulness allows us to improve our focus, it brings us back to the present moment over and over again, thus reducing the strain on our brain.

Being Mindful

Being Mindful is Being Purposeful

During the pandemic we all have developed an ability to reflect and understand that every moment of life is precious and having a purposeful life turns these moments into immeasurable happy memories. A mindful living can win over instant gratification and drives you to gain self-knowledge. It helps you differentiate between the futile, superficial goals and your realistic goals which further propel you to go beyond your boundaries and rediscover your SELF. Being mindful enables you differentiate between your act due to anger and the one done with patience. 

Mindfulness Helps You Forget the Past

People waste a lot of time and energy feeling guilty or regretful about their past, they keep judging how good, bad, successful or failure they were at certain points in life. This hankering after past makes our life miserable and we find ourselves in a quandary. Mindfulness doesn’t mean stop thinking or reflecting, it means to pay a close and sincere attention on your sensations and EMOTIONS so that you can observe and analyze them and grab the solutions quickly and efficiently. Mindfulness makes you kinder to yourself and more caring to your well being.

Spare Your Mornings to Cultivate Mindfulness

We all know that practicing a diligent approach to mindfulness can do magic as it helps you create a short mental space between an event and your stimulus to respond to it. Morning hours are the best to work on it; because the mind is very focused, creative and expansive during that hour of the day. A 10-minute meditation can be of great help to channelize your infinite energy. Take a breath, feel your own breathing and be in the present moment before you proceed for your day’s activities. Stop multitasking as it is a pernicious myth which prevents us from attaining contentment and peace of mind. Never check mails in the morning neither pay attention to the pop up notifications as such practices keep your mind occupy all the time and reduces your productivity. Spend your mornings with you because none can be a better companion to you than yourself.

Mindfulness transforms us and teaches how we should relate to the events and experiences in our life. It changes our way of reacting on trivial issues and trains our mind how the important ones can be taken into considerations wisely and with a problem solving attitude. Problems and frustrations keep mounting when we don’t deal with them properly. Our habit of making judgments on every day to day’s problem drags us into the pit of sorrow and regret. This habit restricts our creative thought process and skillful responses. Cultivating mindfulness helps us pause and ponder over a situation, get a clearer picture of the situation, find the options to resolve the issue and respond with a poised demeanor.

Being mindful is staying strong and motivated in all situations; awards or appreciation- neither to boast about if received nor to sulk if not. It encourages you to select your responses wisely and make calculated choices instead of ending up to irrational and impulsive acts and decisions. Let’s learn to be less reactive and more in tune with the present.


  1. mindfully chosen words good article.

  2. Lovely n so useful

  3. Mindfulness a important topic which is neglected in our daily conversation. The quote by viktor frank explains the importance of mindfulness so brilliantly. The Tale of Govardhan Parvat gives us a new perspective to use our abilities. Last but not the least the blind man has opened our eyes without the help of a lantern. The entire blog presents us about something that we never talked before. Its well written and well drafted as the entire topic could be easily understood.

  4. So true. I could totally relate to many of the things you mentioned.

  5. Each n every word us so true ,u have a quality to convey ur thoughts exactly in words ,such a powerful and wonderful job u have done .great


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